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President of Republic: Moroccan Practices in Western Sahara require "a firm response" from the international community

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Bir Lahlu(liberated territories) March 26, 2013 (SPS) The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the  Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, said that the Moroccan practices  against  the Saharawis in the occupied territories demand "a firm response" from the international community.

"The practices of the Moroccan state in the occupied Saharawi territories require a strong response from the international community to end the blockade and suppression of Saharawis by Moroccan occupying forces," said the president of the Republic in a letter to the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon.

 “the Moroccan Practices are” said Abdelaziz, “frustrating the efforts of the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary General, Mr. Christopher Ross,” noting that "the last action of Moroccan security forces  on Saturday left serious casualties among the Saharawis . "

The Moroccan security forces have brutally repressed a peaceful Sahrawi demonstration, with clubs violent demonstrators, noted Mr. Abdelaziz.

The Moroccan occupying forces, he said, have committed violent practices against defenseless civilians on territory under the direct responsibility of the UN.

The Saharawi president called on the UN to "assume its responsibilities and to act quickly to stop these abhorrent practices that do not respect human dignity, violate international law and undermine the authority and credibility of the UN ".

He also called on the UN to intervene for the release of the political prisoners of Gdeim Izik and all Sahrawi prisoners as well as the protection of Saharawi citizens through the establishment of a mechanism within the MINURSO to protect and monitor human rights in Western Sahara.

Finally, President Mohamed Abdelaziz stressed on the need to "accelerate the decolonization in Western Sahara and enable the Saharawi people to decide their future in freedom and democracy, through the organization of a referendum on self-determination under the auspices of the UN.” (SPS)
