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Oil companies contracting with SADR meet in London

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London, March 9, 2013 (SPS) - Representative of the foreign companies that have large contacts with government of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic in the field of energy met Thursday to Friday in London, in the presence of Member of POLISARIO National Secretariat Mr. Mhamed Khaddad and POLISARIO Representative to Australia Mr. Kamal Fadel.

During the meeting, Mr. Khadad spoke about the latest developments on the question of Western Sahara, including the arbitrary and criminal trial of Gdeim Izik prisoners.

Representatives of the oil companies reiterated their commitment to continue working with the SADR.

It is worth noting that SADR government announced on 17 May 2005 a tender for energy exploration in the Territory of Western Sahara, after the United Nations Organization agreed on a decision allowing Saharawi government to sign agreements with foreign companies in order to explore the areas of energy.

In 2002, the Legal Counsel of the United Nations Secretary General Mr. Hans Corell prepared an advisory opinion authorizing the Saharawi government to make deals with foreign companies to explore wealth of the territory especially that related to energy, which has become a concern after the exploration of petroleum field offshore Western Sahara.

On 26 March 2006, government of SADR officially gave the permission for foreign companies to explore for petroleum

SADR government, in this regard, has set the nine items to adjust the field of partnership.

The area under Saharawi Republic administration is around 80 square kilometers total, whereas the rest is controlled by Moroccan occupation since 1975. (SPS)
