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President of Republic receives a letter of congratulations from his Algerian counterpart on occasion of proclamation of SADR

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Shahid AlHafed, February 27, 2013 (APS) - President of the Republic, Secretary General of The Polisario Front Mohamed Abdelaziz, received a congratulatory message from his Algerian counterpart Abdelaziz Bouteflika, on the occasion of the 37th anniversary of the proclamation of the Saharawi Republic, in which he wished the Saharawi people's success in realizing its legitimate aspiration to exercising its right to self-determination.

"On the occasion of the ceremony of 37th anniversary of the proclamation of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, it pleases me to send you my warmest congratulations and best wishes for success in the realization of the legitimate aspirations of the Saharawi people to meet  its right to self-determination "wrote President Bouteflika in his message.

The Algerian President has seized the opportunity to "reaffirm the commitment of Algeria to" strict "the principle of the right of peoples to self-determination, in accordance with international law and the doctrine of UN decolonization ".

In this context, President Bouteflika reiterated that "Algeria will spare no effort to provide support to the international community in its efforts to promote a solution to the question of Western Sahara, which would ensure the Saharawi people to exercise of its right to self-determination.”

"I would also like to reiterate my desire to see the UN Secretary-General and his Personal Envoy success in their mission to help the Kingdom of Morocco and the Polisario Front to achieve a just and lasting solution which can provide for the self- determination of the people Western Sahara, "he said.

"As it has done in the past, Algeria will continue, as a neighboring country, to encourage both parties to work to reach this solution, in accordance with international law," concluded President Bouteflika.(SPS)
