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Gdeim Izik group starts 48-hour hunger strike on Monday

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Sale (Morocco), Feb 24, 2013 (SPS) - The Saharawi political prisoners of Gdeim Izik, who were sentenced to heavy military judgments, announced, in a statement, that they will launch a 48-hour alarming hunger strike starting from Monday.

The group said that they want to show solidarity with their companion prisoner Abdallahi Lakhfawni, who is on hunger strike for the 4 consecutive day, and to denounce the torture experienced against Al-Bachir Jadda, Mohamed Juna Babit, Deich Addafi, Mohamed Mbarek Lafgir and Sid Ahmed Lamjaiad.

The group called on all international and national organizations, associations and bodies of human rights to made more efforts to pressurize Moroccan state to release them unconditionally.

They also confirmed their intention to hold more hunger strikes until justice takes its course, condemning strongly the unfair military verdicts issued by the Moroccan martial court in Rabat gainst them on February 17. (SPS)
