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Rally in Paris to demand release of Sahrawi prisoners on February 27

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Paris, Feb 22, 2013 (SPS) - Human rights activists and political parties will hold a demonstration, in Paris on February 27, to demand the release of the 24 Sahrawi political prisoners of Gdeim Izik, given recently heavy sentences by a Moroccan military court, and call on the French authorities to condemn the “iniquitous” trial pronounced against the detainees.

This action, launched by “Sortir du Colonialisme” Action Group, is intended to “recall France’s commitments to defending human rights,” the president of the group told Algerian Press Service (APS) on Thursday.

“At the beginning of his term, Foreign Minister recalled France’s moral commitment to respecting human rights and democracy, while a conspiratorial silence prevails when it comes to Sahrawi people’s right to freedom,” said Henri Pouillot.

In this regard, Pouillot said that the action group, which brings together associations, Unions and political parties fighting against colonialism and racism, requested a hearing on February 27 at Foreign Ministry on the occasion of the 37th anniversary of the creation of SADR (Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic). (SPS)
