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President of Republic demands to stop unfair Moroccan military trial against Saharawi prisoners

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Bir Lehlou (liberated territories), Jan 11, 2013 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the POLISARIO Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz urged, in a letter sent Thursday, the UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon to immediately intervene to stop the “serious” decision taken by Moroccan government to bring the Saharawi political prisoners of Gdeim izik to a military trial on February 1st.

“We ask you to immediately intervene to end this strange and shameful situation, as to put an end to the practices of an illegal military occupation against unarmed civilians, who are residents of an international territory under direct responsibility of the United Nations, pending the decolonization and self-determination,” wrote the President of the Republic.

“We would like to remind you, once again, to the illegality and immorality of bringing civilians to a military court,” stated the letter.

President of the Republic reiterated his call to accelerate the establishment of a UN mechanism that would enable the MINURSO to protect, monitor and report about human rights Western Sahara, disclose the whereabouts of more than 651 Saharawis missing, halt the acts of Moroccan plundering of Saharawi people’s resources and remove the Moroccan military wall.

To recall, Moroccan occupying authorities set February 1st, 2012 a new date to bring the Saharawi political prisoners of Gdeim Izik to a military trial.

The group include; Naama Lasfari, Mohamed Tahlil, Ahmed Asbaii, Hasan Addah, Sid Ahmed Lamjaiad, Bachir Khadda, Mohamed Lamin Haddi, Abdalla Lakhfawni, Cheikh Banga, Ibrahim Ismaili, Abd Al-Jalil Lamgaimad, Mohamed Al-Bachir Boutangiza, Abdallahi Abhah, Al-Husein Zawi, Abdallahi Toubali, Mohamed Bourial, Abdarrahman Zaiu, Mohamed Bani, Al-Tagi Al-Machdufi, Mohamed Ambarek Lafgir, Mohamed Juna Babit, Deich Al-Dafi and Al-Bakay Al-Arabi. (SPS)
