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Spain advocates political solution taking into account self-determination of Saharawi People

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Algiers ,January9,2013(SPS) - Spain position regarding Western Sahara issue "has not changed" as it advocated a political solution which takes into account the Sahrawis self-determination, said Tuesday Spain Ambassador to Algeria Gabriel Busquets.

 "Spain position is the same about Western Sahara issue. It has not changed. We are for a political agreed solution between the parties under the UN, a solution which takes into account Sahrawi people self-determination," he told a news conference held in Spanish embassy in Algiers, on the eve of Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy visit to Algeria.

 In this regard, he stressed that Western Sahara issue is present in all meetings of the two countries officials, adding that Spain supports the efforts of UN Special Envoy for Western Sahara Christopher Ross for the settlement of this issue. (SPS)
