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Moroccan regime policy based on lust for Sahrawi resources, says PM

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Algiers, Dec 16, 2012 (SPS) - The Prime Minister Mr. Abdelkader Taleb Omar declared Saturday in Algiers that the occupation of Saharawi territories by Morocco is not motivated by “historical and political rights” rather by “an expansionist policy based on the lust for the Sahrawi resources.”

Speaking during the 3rd conference on “peoples’ right to resistance: case of the Saharawi people” held in Algiers, the Saharawi PM said that this lust “should push the international community to ban the conclusion of conventions on the occupied Saharawi territories and boycott stuffs coming from these territories, in order not to encourage Morocco to enlarge its occupation".

Recalling that Western Sahara conflict was one of the “oldest in the world because of Moroccan regime hindering to the solutions, despite the presence of MINURSO in the region, Mr. Abdelkader Taleb Omar noted that violations of human rights in the occupied territories “continued to prohibit and punish demonstrations of freedom of expression.”

These practices result in hundreds of political prisoners and disappeared, and “intimidation and socio-economic blockade”, he added, stressing in this context the need for the UN to establish mechanisms to monitor and protect human rights in the occupied Saharawi territories and strengthen the prerogatives of MINURSO to enable it to better fulfill its role in the field.

Regarding the peace process and procedures for the negotiations, the Sahrawi PM indicated that Moroccan regime wants to “impose unilateral solutions that ignore the nature of the problem as a decolonization issue must be resolved through free and democratic referendum on self-determination for the Saharawi people.”

He, in this respect, recalled that the international community does not recognize at all Moroccan sovereignty over the Western Sahara, which is registered to UN Fourth Committee of Decolonization as a non-self-governing territory, highlighting that the Moroccan regime “still refusing to hold a referendum on self-determination to end the occupation in Western Sahara.”

Mr. Abdelkader Taleb Omar confirmed that the Saharawi state will continues to deal with the international mediator Mr. Ross to reach a solution enabling the Saharawi people of self-determination.

He therefore deplored the procrastinations persuaded by Moroccan regime, calling on the international community to “pressurize him for being a rebel against the international legitimacy.”

He also called on France, which defends the Moroccan regime and its policy, to take “a position that respects international legitimacy and responds to human rights,” urging French government to take clear positions to enforce the implementation of UN resolutions calling for the self-determination of Saharawi people.

He considered on other hand that Morocco’s occupation of Western Sahara “disrupted building of the Arab Maghreb and cooperation among its peoples. It also encouraged organized crime.”

In the same context, the Saharawi Prime Minister condemned all forms of terrorism and organized crime in Sahel region, voicing support to the unity and territorial integrity of Mali. (SPS)
