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Rédha Malek: Maghreb unity is not possible without solving Western Sahara issue

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Algiers, Dec 16, 2012 (SPS) - The Former Chief of Algerian Government Mr. Rédha Malek said Saturday in Algiers that the building of Arab Maghreb Union “is not possible without the settlement of Western Sahara issue,” which remain under Moroccan occupation since 1975.

Speaking at the 3rd international conference of Algiers, devoted to “peoples’ right to resist: Sahrawi case”, Mr. Malek said that “as long as Western Sahara issue is not solved, we will not be able to build Maghreb Unity.”

For him, Western Sahara is an essential part of the Maghreb, even if some call it “obstacle” and “bone of contention”, underlining that it is rather a gem it is absolutely necessary to be liberated.”

“We (countries) are late in the Maghreb level, even if the bilateral relations between the other countries are going well,” he noted.

Comparing between the demonstrations of 11 December 1960 in Algeria, in which the Algerian people shouted its desire for independence and justice, and demand liberty, Malek said that the Sahrawi people is keeping, like the Algerian people since 1973, date of the creation of Polisario Front, demanding independence. (SPS)
