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“Efforts should culminate by presence of SADR in United Nations" (says President)

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Shahid AlHafed, December 11, 2012 (SPS) President of the Republic , Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, said Monday that "efforts should lead to the usual presence of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic in the United Nations, "in an interview broadcasted  on Tuesday  by the Algerian channel Echourouq.

 "Our next step towards the acceptance of our membership of the UN General Assembly is calculated step especially as it became clear without doubt that the Moroccan government has not responded to the will of the international community, "Said President of the Republic.

"The time is in favour of the Saharawi cause, but the problem with the Sahrawi people today and with the Saharawi issue is the problem of the media," said the president.

In this regard he cited as an example he Swedish parliament's recognition of the Saharawi cause and calling its government to accelerate the recognition of SADR.

 On the other hand, the President of the Republic, stated that "the Polisario Front has evidence to prove a strong involvement of the Moroccan government in funding smuggling and directing  criminal activities in the region, based on the Drug trafficking  and terrorist groups in Mali, "

In this context, "the Moroccan position is based on export its internal crises outward, and officially  adopts the production and export of drugs with the contribution of various state institutions including the army, police and gendarmerie, "said the president.

"This position places the Moroccan economy in a situation of war economy based on the collection of funds from the sale of drugs," concluded President Mohamed Abdelaziz. (SPS)
