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President of Republic receives Christopher Ross

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), Nov 5, 2012 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the POLISARIO Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, received Sunday evening at headquarters of SADR Presidency the UN Secretary General’s Personal Envoy for Western Sahara Mr. Christopher Ross.

The President of the Republic gave explanations, remarks and ideas to his interlocutor concerning the path of settlement, reiterating POLISARIO’s attachment to the international legitimacy and to the application of Security Council’s resolutions and recommendations in order to “guarantee right of the Saharawi people to free, democratic and transparent choice through a referendum on self-determination.”

He drew attention of the UN Envoy Christopher Ross to the violations of human rights and repression the Saharawis in the occupied territories face at the at the hands of Moroccan occupation, stressing on the need to put an end to such practices and protect the Saharawi civilians.

President Mohamed Abdelaziz expressed in this respect condemnation of the Frente POLISARIO and SADR authorities to such practices, calling on the United Nations to ensure the monitoring and report about human rights through establishing a mechanism that guarantee the right of expression, movement and association, as to open the Territory before international, observers, journalists and organizations.

He therefore renewed his call to protect Western Sahara natural wealth from the looting and exploitation by Moroccan state, considering this a task of the United Nations since Western Sahara is under its direct responsibility pending decolonization.

The President voiced concern of the POLISARIO and Saharawi leadership for the presence of Saharawi political prisoners inside Moroccan jails without trail, pointing in this regard to Moroccan authorities’ recent attempt to bring some of them for a military trails in flagrant violation of law.

Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz reaffirmed POLISARIO and SADR’s “full cooperation” for the success of Personal Envoy mission and MINURSO work, in a way that ensures the serious search for a solution enabling the Saharawi people to exercise self-determination through free, just and transparent referendum under UN aegis. (SPS)
