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Christopher Ross outlines objectives of his visit in three points

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Chahid Al Hafed (refugee camps), Nov 5, 2012 (SPS) - The UN Secretary General’s Personal Envoy for Western Sahara, Mr. Christopher Ross, has outlined the objectives of his visit in three main points, in a statements to the press after a meeting with the President of the Republic and Secretary General of POLISARIO Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz on Sunday evening.

Speaking to the press, Mr. Ross said that the first objective of his visit is “to assess 5 years of negotiations and consider the reasons behind the lack of progress”, while the second is “to look ahead to see how we can modify, improve or change the style of the negotiations process, to come up with something concrete towards the desirable goal of self-determination of the people of Western Sahara.”

Ross went on saying “the third goal is to find out the impact of what is happening in North Africa and Sahel on the Western Sahara issue.”

The UN Personal Envoy reiterated that his mission, as defined in UN and Security Council resolutions, aimed at “facilitating the negotiations between the parties, in order to reach a durable, mutually acceptable and fair solution ensuring right of Western Sahara people to self-determination.”

The UN Envoy noted that the negotiations that have already taken place on the basis of Moroccan and Saharawi proposals “have not achieved significant progress.”

He said that he held talks in Rabat, meetings in El Aaiun, meetings and talks in the Camps, and he will also held other talks in Nouakchott, Algiers, Madrid and Paris.

Mr. Ross indicated that he will submit a summary of his visit’s findings and conclusions to the UN Secretary General and Security Council late this month.

He therefore confirmed his intention to work for ending suffering of the 37-year separated Saharawi families, as well as for a solution makes the building of united Arab Maghreb possible and consolidate security and stability in North Africa and the Sahel. (SPS)
