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Zambia calls for implementation of UN resolutions on Western Sahara

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New York, Oct 12, 2012 (SPS) - The Permanent Representative of Zambia to the United Nations, Patricia Mwaba Kasese-Bota, has urged the international community to fulfill its commitment towards the decolonization of Western Sahara.


“Despite the significant progress made by special Committee on decolonization, it is regrettable that sixteen (16) territories continue to be listed as Non-Self Governing Territories, an example of which Western Sahara in Africa” said on Thursday the Permanent Representative of Zambia to the United Nations before the UN Fourth Committee


Mwaba Kasese-Bota recalled that "Western Sahara remains the last colony in Africa, and was designated by the General Assembly  in 1963 as an Non Self Governing Territory” (NSGT)  under the Charter of the United Nations , a legal status it retains to this day".


“General Assembly (GA) Resolution 1514 confirmed the that in order to complete the process of decolonization all NGSTs must progress to a “ full measure of self-governing “ by 5a) emergence as a Sovereign independent state (b)  free association with an independent state or (e) Integration with another independent  state” noted Mrs.Kasese-Bota.


“Despite this resolution which had led to so territories being independent, Western Sahara still remains on the United Nations agenda fighting for its independence “  says Permanent Representative of Zambia to the United Nations.


She reiterated the position of the South African Development Community (SADC) to recognize Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic, which is consistent with the African Union (AU).


“Zambia reaffirms all the resolutions adopted by the General Assembly and the Security Council on Western Sahara including the United Nations General Assembly   66/86 adopted without the vote” underlined the Zambian diplomat.  


Mrs.Kasese-Bota underlined Zambia will continue strongly support the efforts of the Secretary General and his personal envoy to achieve a just lasting and mutually acceptable political solution which will provide for the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara.


She asserted that Zambia will co-sponsor on Agenda Item 60 on the implementation of the declaration of on granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples.


“Lastly, Zambia whishes to urge the international community to commit itself to the total elimination of colonialism in all its forms and further calls upon all UN membership to contribute positively towards attainment of the colonialism agenda  “ said Mrs. Kasese-Bota. (SPS)
