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Belize for solution respecting self-determination of Saharawi people

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Belmopán (Belize), Sept 21, 2012 (SPS) - The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belize, Mr. Wilfred Peter Elrington, has reaffirmed his country’s support to a solution respecting the self-determination of the Saharawi people to freely choose their destiny, in a meeting with SADR ambassador to Nicaragua Mr. Telleb Hanan Suleiman as part of the celebrations of the National Day of Belize, sources from the Saharawi Embassy in Nicaragua reported.

The Saharawi Ambassador has participated, as a special envoy of the President Mohamed Abdelaziz, at the official ceremonies commemorating the independence of Belize Republic, along with various delegations from America, Europe and North Africa.

The Ambassador Talleb Hanan Suleiman handed the Foreign Minister of Belize Mr. Elrington a written message sent by the Saharawi President Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, in which he felicitated the government and people of Belize Republic on the independence day.

During the meeting, the Saharawi diplomat updated his interlocutor on the developments of the Saharawi conflict, bilaterally and multilaterally.

Following the meeting, Mr. Suleiman presented his admiration to the Prime Minister of Belize Dean O. Barrow, Governor-General, Sir Colville Young and the representative of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of England.

The Republic of Belize celebrates its thirty-first anniversary of Independence from England, which observes 21 September 1981. It is an English-speaking country and member of both the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Central American Integration System (Spanish acronym: SICA), a place made it a bridge between Caribbean and Central America. (SPS)
