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Days of solidarity with Sahrawi cause in Sweden

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Fallon (Sweden), Sept 19, 2012 (SPS) -Several Swedish associations and Writers organized days of solidarity with the Saharawi cause from 15th to 17th September in Fallon , according to a statement of  the Polisario Front representation in Sweden.


The Swedish associations, including the African group, the UN Association of the City of Fallon, the Group of Friends of the Saharawi people in Sweden have organized many cultural, political and academic events in favor of the Saharawi question.


The Polisario Front representative in Sweden, Alien Habib El kentawi hosted conference at Central Library of the City of Fallon, highlighting the latest developments in the Western Sahara conflict, gross violations of human rights in the occupied territories.


Photographic exhibitions depicting the struggle of the Saharawi have been organized on the sidelines of the event .


The Swedish Associations reiterated their full support for the just struggle of the Saharawi people, calling the Swedish government to recognize the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) and end grave abuses of human rights in occupied Western Sahara. (SPS)
