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Council of Ministers condemns Moroccan violation of human rights

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Shahid Alhafed, August29, 2012(SPS) the Council of Ministers expressed condemnation to the continuing violation of human rights committed by Moroccan Authorities against the Saharawis in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, as learned from press release, concluded  a meeting chaired on Tuesday by President of the Republic, Mohamed Abdelaziz.

The Council condemned "the daily repression and harassment" committed by Moroccan security forces against Sahrawi activists, calling on the international community to immediately intervene to stop such practices and put pressure on the Moroccan government to "unconditionally release the Saharawi political prisoner, Yahya Mohamed Iaaza sentenced to 15 years in prison and all Saharawi political prisoners languishing in Moroccan prisons and to shed light on the fate of more than 500 missing and 151 Saharawi prisoners of war to Morocco. "

The Council emphasized on the need to establish “international mechanism to impose protection and monitoring the situation of human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara”

 Finally the Council of Ministers decided to create new Wilaya( province)known as Wilaya of Boujdour(SPS)
