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AU Commission proposes to submit resolution holding Morocco responsible for negotiations stalemate to 19th summit

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Addis Ababa, July 15, 2012 (SPS) - The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mohamed Salem Ould Salek, revealed that the African Union Commission has submitted a resolution, holding Morocco responsible for failure of the negotiations between and appealing to the UN to live up to its commitments towards right of the Saharawi people to self-determination, to the 19th Summit.

In statements to the press after the closing of 21st Ordinary Session of AU Executive Council that took place in Addis Ababa, the Minister highlighted that the Saharawi cause has a special interest within the African Union, which will discuss its developments on the basis of the respect for the Saharawi people’s will to freedom and self-determination.

Head of the Saharawi diplomacy said his meetings with the African counterparts focused on the situation in Western Sahara in the light of Rabat’s attempts aiming to elude from the international obligations and its obstruction to peace efforts in the region, confirming that he recorded “a consensus” on the need for taking a more serious measures to pressurize Moroccan Government and confront its intransigence and underestimation to the international legitimacy.

Mr. Ould Salek headed a Saharawi delegation in work of the AU Executive Council Session, which wrapped out Saturday by ratifying a set of reports and documents that will be submitted to the 19th Assembly of Heads of State and Government. (SPS)
