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Jean Ping stresses from Addis Ababa on need to reinforce integration and unity of African

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Addis Ababa, July 13, 2012 (SPS) - Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Dr. Jean Ping, called Thursday in Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia, for the need to consolidate Africa’s integration as well as unity of its visions and work to achieve its developmental goals.

Speaking during opening of the 21st Ordinary Session of AU Executive Council, Mr. Ping said that Africa will not be able to achieve its developmental goals and plays its role on the international sphere, unless it reinforces its integration as well unifies its visions and work.”

He underlined that the situation in Western Sahara, Djibouti-Eritrea and Ethiopia-Eritrea relations as well as the situation in other countries “remain troubling”, pointing that there are efforts being made to consolidate peace and security, as to ensure a follow-up for all the situations related to crisis and conflicts of the Continent.

“African Union is the mechanism that allows us to achieve the ambitions of our continent and respond to the aspirations of our peoples (...) mainly in well-being, democracy, dignity and the feeling of ability to reflect on business market,” he added.
Dr. Ping insisted in this regard on the need to reinforce the Union in the aim to valuing unity and social interests of Africa as to maintain torch of the African affiliation that guided the struggle for liberating the Continent.

He also recalled to the importance of reaching a “durable solution” for the problem of financing the African Union, considering it a prerequisite for the sustainability of AU works and confirmation of its leadership and ownership of initiatives.

Regarding to peace and security in Africa, Chairperson of African Commission confirmed “the AU will continue working side by side with the Economic Community of West African States for settlement to the crisis in north of Mali, as to accompany the transitional process in Mali and Guinea-Bissau.”

Concerning the economic situation, Dr. Ping underlined that strengthening the capacities of the parties concerned with managing the programme of infrastructure development in Africa is among challenges face the Continent, adding that the success and implementation of this programme remains subject to set up the priorities, policies and national procedures in regional and continental framework. (SPS)
