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SADR and Nicaragua agree to establish parliamentary group of friendship

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Managua (Nicaragua) July11, 2012(SPS) the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) and the Republic of Nicaragua agreed to establish a parliamentary group of friendship during a meeting held on Monday between the Saharawi ambassador to Managua Suleiman Tieb Henan, and the speaker of the Nicaraguan Parliament René Nunez Tellez, SPS learns in release from the Saharawi embassy to this Latin American country.

Mr. René Nunez Tellez, welcomed this step saying it will “reinforce bonds of friendship, cooperation and exchange experiences between the two parliaments”

He expressed unwavering support of his country on all levels to the Saharawi cause, hopping resumption of negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations to reach a just and lasting political solution which   respects the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination.(SPS)
