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Attck on children of Saharawi activist Aminatou Haidar

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El Aaiun (occupied territories), July 8, 2012 (SPS) - Children of the Saharawi activist of human rights Ms. Aminatou Haidar, the 17-year girl Hayat Al-Gasmi and 13year boy Mohamed Al-Gasmi, attacked Sunday morning by a group of Moroccans, in the road between Agadir’s Moroccan city and occupied Saharawi city of El Aaiun, informed a human rights source.

The same source added that the boy Mohammed suffered a broken at the level of nose and various injuries, while the girl Hayat subjected to bruises in the face and many wounds in different parts of her body.

The attack on the two minors was carried out after some of the Moroccan passengers knew that they are children of Aminatou Haidar.

The Saharawi activist went immediately after she knew about the attack to the so-called headquarters of El Aaiun Security’s Wilaya, to complaint against the aggressors.

In relevant conrext, Aminatou Haidar decided to file a lawsuit against the Moroccan media, which according to her the only stirrer for the arrack on her, on her sons and all the Saharawis, also against Moroccan Ministry of Communication as the responsible of what is being published in some newspapers and magazines, in addition to High Authority of Audiovisual Communication (known as HACA) because it allows some official and private channels and radios to broadcast the hostility, hatred and abetment against the Saharawis. (SPS)
