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Demonstration in Spain in solidarity with Saharawi young hunger striker Lafgir Kaziza

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Madrid, June 11, 2012 (SPS) - Demonstrations in solidarity with the Saharawi young hunger striker Lafgir Kaziza and to protest the burial of Said Dambar, without knowledge of his family, have been organized Saturday in front of the Moroccan embassy in Madrid by the Saharawi Youth Union (UJSARIO) and League of the Saharawi Students in Spain, informed a source of the POLISARIO presentation to Madrid.

The demonstrators stood a minute of silence in memory of souls of the Saharawi martyrs on the National Martyrs Day, in addition they chanted many slogans that support the Saharawi young Lafgir Kaziza on hunger strike in front of the Moroccan embassy in Madrid as well as his demands to free all the Saharawi political prisoners and immediately halt the Moroccan campaigns of repression and intimidation in the occupied territories of Western Sahara, said the source.

The demonstration was attended by the Spanish actor Willy Toledo, President of the Spanish General Coordination of Association in Solidarity with the Saharawi People (CEAS) Mr. José Taboada, representatives of the solidarity movements along Madrid, members of the Saharawi Students League in Spain and representatives of the POLISATIO’s offices in several Spanish cities.

At the end, the demonstrators issued a statement calling for the release of Gdeim Izik detainees or brought them before civil court, as well as to allow the open visit without restriction, as to allow the entry of doctors and necessary medical equipments for the Sahrawi political prisons in Morocco’s jails.

The participants put burning candles along with pictures of Saharawi missings as a step to shed light on their fate, according to the League of Saharawi Students in Spain.

On relevant context, the signs of severe fatigue began to appear on the young Saharawi Lafgir Kaziza, who entered his ten day of hunger strike in front of the embassy of Morocco in Madrid.

Similar demonstrations organized Friday and Saturday in the cities of Cataluña, Valencia, Tenerife, Zaragoza, Gijón, Alicante, Bilbao, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Vigo, Seville, Mallorca and Murcia, added the same source. (SPS)
