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Friends of Saharawi people in Belgium stages outside embassy of Morocco

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Brussels, June 10, 2012 (SPS) - Friends of the Saharawi people in Belgium have organized a demonstration in solidarity with the Saharawi political prisoners of Sale’s jail and with Lafgir Kaziza, who entered his 10 day of hunger strike, in front of embassy of Morocco.

The demonstrators demanded that Moroccan state halt its violations of human rights in the occupied part of Western Sahara, as to release all the Saharawi political detainees without delay.

They also denounced failure of the international community towards suffering of the Saharawi people, asking the United Nations and Europe to pressurize Moroccan government to accelerate the referendum of the Saharawi people and to comply with international legitimacy.

The event was attended by POLISARIO Representation in Brussels and members of the Saharawi community, in addition to members and employees of the European Parliament. (SPS)
