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President Mohamed Abdelaziz congratulates French President-elect Francois Hollande

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Bir Lehlou (Liberated Territories), May 07, 2012 (SPS)- The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, has congratulated the French president-elect, Mr. Francois Hollande on his victory in second round of the French presidential election that took place yesterday.

"On the occasion of your election to the presidency of the French Republic, it is my pleasure to send to you, on behalf of the Saharawi people and the government, and on my own behalf, the warmest and sincere congratulations, wishes for success in your mission and the well-being and prosperity of the French people." The President said in a letter of congratulations sent on Monday to his French counterpart.

The Saharawi President expressed his confidence that France, under the leadership of Francois Hollande “will be the country of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and will assert its voice with strength to defend the rule of law, peace and justice in the world.”

"We can only appreciate the true value of the courageous attitude of France, particularly faithful to its ideals of justice and humanity, in its unequivocal rejection of oppression and aggression in international forums for a more just, more equitable world," said the President.

President Mohamed Abdelaziz asserted, in his message to the French president-elect, that "the Polisario Front and the Sahrawi people are more than ever, ready to open up new prospects for peace, stability, mutual respect and open a constructive and responsible dialogue for the implementation of the United Nations resolutions to allow the Saharawi people to exercise their choice through a referendum on free and democratic self-determination".

“This will consolidate peace in the Mediterranean region and contribute to build the Arabic democrasy and the desire of the peoples of the Arab Maghreb to development and prosperity in the region.” He added.

The president recalled that “Western Sahara remains under the repression of military occupation  since 1975, in flagrant violation of the principles and resolutions of United Nations .”

“We believe, Your Excellency Mr. President, that you will spare no effort to enter a new era of peace, stability and cooperation in our region, thus contributing to a solution of the conflict in Western Sahara, which is an important factor in promoting economic integration and growth of the Arab Maghreb states”, the Presedent concluded his letter to Mr. Francois Hollande.
