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Council of Ministers renews call to provide protection for human rights in occupied Western Sahara

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Shaheed Al Hafed (refugee campd), April 29, 2012 (SPS) - The Council of Ministers reiterated its call for providing the necessary protection for human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara through establishment of UN mechanism to monitor and report about it, condemning the last brutal intervention current April 27-28 by Moroccan occupation forces against defenseless Saharawi citizens, in a statement concluded a meeting chaired by President of the Republic, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, held Sunday.

The statement condemn the repressive policies perpetuated by the Moroccan authorities on the Saharawi civilians in the occupied Western Sahara, which lastly was brutal intervention on 27 and April 28, 2012 against unarmed Saharawis, asking international community to intervene to carry Moroccan state to release all the Saharawi political prisoners and unveil the whereabouts of more than 651 Saharawi missings and detainees.

On other hand, the Council expressed condolences, solidarity and sympathy with family of the Portuguese PM Miguel Portas, a Friend of the Sahrawi people and one of the pioneers of the movement of solidarity with the Saharawi just cause.

The meeting examined and approved draft laws before submitted to the National Council for approval. In addition, it also stopped at the preparations for the 2nd national conference on youth, 9th edition of the International Film Festival, Festival of Culture and Folk Arts and celebration of workers day, focusing on the latest developments concerning the Intifada of Independence in occupied territories.

It also discussed and approved the Judicial Basic Law which will be presented to the next National Council legislative session, where it formed a committee to set the special law of the Judicial Supreme Council in its final version before submitted to the National Council for ratification in the same session. It also charged Mr. Ibrahim Mojtar, Minister Delegate for Africa, to coordinate with Foreign Affairs Ministry to present the African Union agreements which previously signed to the National Council for approval.

The Council listened to a presentation about the preparations for the second national conference on youth, which will be held on next May 10-11 in the Wilaya of Awserd and will discuss the ways of framing, training and employing the youth within the framework of a strategy to embody youth and to enable them to participate effectively in the national battle for liberation and construction of state institutions. (SPS)
