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Media coverage to peoples’ struggle for independence: case of Western Sahara (lecture)

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Moscow, April 28, 2012 (SPS) - A lecture under the theme “media coverage to the struggle of peoples for independence: case of Western Sahara” presented Saturday at the Faculty of Journalism in the Saint-Petersburg State University of Service and Economics by POLISARIO representative to Moscow, in the presence of a number of students and professors, informed a statement of POLISARIO Representation to Moscow.

The lecture was opened with screening a 14-minutos film directed by the Russian Robert Karapetyan, which addressed, through the pictures and documents, the real life in the Sahrawi refugee camps and liberated territories of Western Sahara.

Addressing the attendees, POLISARIO Representative Mr. Ali Salem Mohamed Fadel spoke about the most important stages of the struggle of Western Sahara people and the suffering have experienced particularly after chaotic departure of Spain end of 1975, reminding the audience of the most important achievements accomplished by the Saharawi State and how the Polisario Front dealt with the negotiations course since the cease-fire adoption in September 6th, 1991.

He also recalled to the most important resolutions and recommendations adopted by the Security Council, especially the late resolution 2022, pointing to the obstacles and setbacks facing the path of decolonization in Western Sahara.

Mr. Ali Salem confirmed that France have been blocked any indication to a mechanism within MINURSO mandate to monitor and report about human rights abuses, which constitute a “negative position.”

“A member of the Security Council applies a double standard, especially when he prevents the inclusion of human rights and reporting about it within the UN mission, despite the calls made by international human rights associations asking the international community to address the issue of human rights in Western Sahara. In this contemptible act, France is involved in the prolongation of the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara, as well as the violations of rights and freedoms of indigenous people in the occupied part of Western Sahara,” indicated the lecturer.

The lecture marked by a number of interventions focused on the Saharawi-Russian relations, impact of Arab Spring on the Saharawi cause and role of Saharawi and Russian media, denouncing the unjustified Moroccan act in turning a blind eye to the resolutions of international legitimacy and repudiating of its commitments and obligations before international community.

  Saint-Petersburg State University of Service and Economics is one of the biggest universities in Russia. It hosted more than 37 thousands students and made up of an important number of specialized faculties. (SPS)
