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The Danish Social - Liberal party supports the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination

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Copenhagen (Denmark), April 27th, 2012 (SPS) - Member of the Danish Parliament and Foreign policy spokesman of the Social-liberal party, Mr. Rasmus Helveg Petersen affirmed today his party’s support of the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and the respect of human rights Western Sahara, in a meeting with Mr. Abba Malainin, POLISARIO Representative in Denmark.
“ We support the UN settlement plan on the basis of the right to self-determination of the Saharawi people, in accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions and we also support the respect of human rights in Western Sahara” Said Mr. Rasmus Hleveg Petersen.
From his part, POLISARIO Representative to Denmark briefed his interlocutor about the latest round of negotiations between POLISARIO Front and Morocco, the latest report of the UN Secretary General and the UN SC related to Western Sahara and how Morocco and France have been routinely blocking any initiative to broaden the mandate of MINURSO to monitor and report about human rights in Western Sahara.
The meeting also tackled the systematic human rights violations committed by the Moroccan Government against the Saharawis in the occupied territories, the actual situation of the 80 Saharawi human rights activists imprisoned in different Moroccan prisons including the 23 of Agdeim -Izik group who will be presented to Military Court.
Mr. Abba Malainin has also raised the issue of the illegal EU- Moroccan agreements and investments that include Western Sahara and said that “Besides that they are in violations of international law, they also implicitly or explicitly support and prolong the illegal occupation to Western Sahara” He further added that “The European Union should more effectively support the UN efforts in Western Sahara and that EU should be part of the solution and not to be part of the problem in Western Sahara”
The Humanitarian situation of the Camps of the Saharawi refugees was also discussed in the meeting with the Danish Member of Parliament and the urgent need of refugees to more humanitarian aid.
It is worth noting that the Social-liberal party is an important party in the current Government coalition in Denmark.