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Polisario Front welcomes EP position on human rights in Western Sahara

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Brussels, April 18, 2012 (SPS) - Member of the National Secretariat of the POLISARIO Front, Minister Delegate for Europe, Mohamed Sidati, welcomed on Wednesday the position taken by the European Parliament (EP) in its report on "Human rights worldwide and the EU policy in this area", adopted on Wednesday 18, April .


“The European Parliament has clearly reaffirmed its support for the Saharawi people to exercise their right to self-determination, and has appealed for human rights to be respected in Western Sahara, asking Morocco in particular to end its repression and its oppression” said Mohamed Sidati in press release.


He praised the European Parliament's call for the establishment of an international mechanism for monitoring human rights in Western Sahara”.


“The European Parliament calls on the UN Security Council to give the MINURSO the task of monitoring the human rights issues in Western Sahara”, said the Saharwi diplomat.


“This position of the European Parliament is a message, loud and clear, for Morocco to abide by its commitments and finally accept the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination without further delays” underlined Mohamed Sidati. (SPS)
