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Western Sahara at the British Common Council

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London, February 29, 2012 (SPS) - a meeting about Western Sahara issue held Tuesday at the British Common Council under the theme of “the next step for Western Sahara”     as reported by the representation of the Polisario in London.

 The meeting condemned the status quo of ignoring the issue of western Sahara by  international community , , and called on the Security Council of the United Nations to expand the mandate  of the MINURSO  to include human rights monitoring in Western Sahara, and appreciated the position of the European Parliament, who rejected the fishing agreement between EU and  Morocco.

 The meeting talked to the Western Sahara issue from several angles, such as the role of the United Nations, the next negotiations between Polisario and Morocco, the human rights situation in the occupied territories of Western Sahara and the responsibility of the European Union and the illegal looting of the natural resources of the Western Sahara. (SPS)
