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We do not expect any remarkable developments in Saharawi cause with formation of the new Moroccan government (Mohamed Abdelaziz

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Tifariti (liberated territories), Dec 26, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Frente Polisario, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, has ruled out the possibility of the occurrence of any remarkable developments in the Saharawi cause with the new Moroccan government to be formed during the forthcoming days under leadership of Justice and Development’s Party, in an interview published on the Al-Jazeera network.

“Observers of positions and discourse of Moroccan Islamists, the Justice and Development Party, do not notice any difference in their positions comparing with the previous Moroccan governments, which means that there will be no expected change in the coming government’s dealing with the Saharawi file,” said the President Mohamed Abdelaziz.

He indicated that the Saharawi file is “in the hand of Moroccan palace, no other,” adding that the successive governments have no role in the formulation of its official policies and attitudes about it.”

Despite that he ruled out the occurrence of any developments on the official level in dealing with the Saharawi cause during the forthcoming period, the Polisario Front’s Leader confirmed that there are “some positive developments in the general view regarding the Saharawi cause, on the level of a number of parties, associations, independent individuals and some independent mass-media.”

The President of the Republic underlined that the Polisario Front “is optimistic” with the developments occurred after the revolutions that prevailed in Arab countries, including some countries of the Maghreb, considering that this movement prevailed in the Arab region, which came to consolidate dignity and freedom of the peoples as well as rid the region of dictators, “will be in the end in favor of the Saharawi cause, because it is a revolution for freedom, dignity and right of self-determination.”

He strongly denied any role of the Late Libyan Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in financing and supporting the Polisario in the recent years, pointing out that the agreement signed by Morocco's King Hassan II with Gaddafi called Jeddah Convention in 1984, which completely cut off all sorts of political and moral and material support that was provided by the Gaddafi to the Polisario, especially after the Hassan II handed over Lamhaijib, one of members of the Revolutionary Command Council of Libya, to Gaddafi.

He therefore emphasized that the new Libyan authorities have all documents which confirm what he says, noting that former officials, whether the former officials in Gaddafi governance or composition of the current system or those in a prison, can be investigated on the verification of these allegations. (SPS)
