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Polisario 13 Congress calls on Moroccan people to reflect the serious consequences of occupation of Western Sahara

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Tifariti (liberated territories), Dec 23, 2011 (SPS) - The Thirteenth General Congress of the Polisario Front, held between 15 and 21 December 2011 in liberated Tifariti under the slogan The independent Sahrawi state is the solution, has called the Moroccan people “to reflect on the serious consequences of more than 36 years of occupation of Western Sahara,” in a letter to the people of Morocco.

The Congress recalled to the “unfortunate implication of Moroccan capabilities in a conflict outside its borders, in an absurd war.”

“The occupation of Western Sahara have also seriously undermined the Moroccan development capabilities, means and human resources and prevented it at the same time from achieving a greater integration project, represented in the Arab Maghreb Union, as well as the hope of their peoples and nations,” added the letter.

The Congress directed an appeal to all sectors of the Moroccan people, political forces, associations and human rights organizations as well as intellectuals and men and women of culture and media, to shoulder their historical responsibilities, and address the persistence of the Moroccan regime in its illegal occupation, for all consequences that entail grave violations of human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara and southern Morocco.

The Congress greatly appreciated the courageous positions of Moroccan political and human rights forces, supporting the Saharawi people's right to self-determination to pursue end to a conflict that has lasted many years, and for their sincere interest in opening a promising future for both peoples. (SPS)
