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Commencement of the election of National Secretariat members of Frente Polisario

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Tifariti (liberated territories) Dec, 21, 2011 (SPS) - The election of the National Secretariat members of Frente Polisario commenced early morning, during the 6th day of the Polisario Front’s 13th Congress taking place in the liberated tifariti.

The official list of the candidates for the National Secretariat has reached Tuesday night 147 candidates, after adding names of the free candidates, according to a source from the election committee.

It is noteworthy that the candidates for post of the National Secretariat should be a Saharawi, has no judicial records, over the age of 30, university graduated diploma with 5 years continued service and 10 years experience at high job including member of the National Liberation Army’s Staff, central director in a ministry, ambassador or head of a diplomatic mission, member of the National, Constitutional and Judicial Councils as well as member of the executive office of a mass organization, according to the same source.

It should be recalled that the thirteenth congress of the Frente Polisario will continue until tomorrow midday, after the decision taken Tuesday by the Presidency of the Congress to extend it for 48 hours. (SPS)
