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Ould Salek praises US Congress decision to make conditional military aid to Morocco

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Tifariti (Liberated Territories), Dec 21, 2011(SPS) - Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Salem Ould Salek called Tuesday in Tifariti “historical” the US congress decision to make conditional the military aid to Morocco upon human rights respect.

''We praise the U.S. decision requires respect for human rights before providing any military aid to Morocco,''Ould Salek told Algerian Press Service APS on the sidelines of the 13th Congress of the Polisario.

he considered considering it ''a historic decision to make the assets of the U.S. Congress.''

Minister of Foreign Affairs said the decision came in a context marked by "a crackdown on Saharawi human rights in the occupied territories," noting that Moroccan authorities of occupation continue to hold ''arbitrary'' judgments against the Sahrawis before military courts.

"Moroccan authorities continue its policy of repression based on torture and preventing the Sahrawis from expressing them selves freely. These excesses against human rights reports each time by NGOs" Ould Salek underlined, adding that ''the U.S. Congress knows that Morocco practice an unjust war against the Saharawi people.''

Elsewhere, Minister of Foreign affairs declared that the decision ''is a clear message to Moroccan king and government that this policy is unacceptable.''

"It is also a political message sent by Congress to the U.S. administration to "express its concerns regarding cooperation with Morocco, which occupies a significant portion of the Saharawi territories" he cited

Ould Salek expressed believes that the decision "is a sign from the institution that refuses to practice the rule of double standards in regard to human rights situation in Western Sahara."

Saharawi official also made clear "this courageous decision by the U.S. Congress wich represents the will of the American people, comes days after the European Parliament's refusal to extend fishing agreement with Morocco and the pillaging of the Saharawi people"

"All of these events prove that the international community is concerned by the Moroccan attitude refusing any fair solution, consistent with international law to the question of Western Sahara".

The U.S. Congress passed a law Tuesday requires the State Department to ensure respect for human rights in Western Sahara before any military assistance given to Morocco.
Minister of Foreign Affairs expressed hope that the Spanish Popular Party government led by, Mariano Rajoy, will change attitude towards the just cause of the Saharawi people and to initiate a "rupture" with the position advocated by Socialist Government of Zapatero.

He recalled that Spain has historical and moral responsibilities towards the Saharawi people because, as the administrative power of these territories, it does not complete decolonization process in Western Sahara.

"Spain is accountable before the international community about what happened in Western Sahara and what is going on until today in occupied territories" Ould Salek concluded.
