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5th day of Polisario Congress: endorsement of election committee’s work

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Tifariti (liberated territories), Dec 20, 2011 (SPS) - The participants at the Polisario 13th Congress endorsed Tuesday the work presented by the election committee, which has been adopted Monday by the Congress, a source of the Congress presidency informed.

During presenting its work, the Committee’s President, Mr. Mohamed Khadad, presented a detailed overall on various issues, which took a study at the level of committee.

Mr. Khadad said that the committee, after deliberations, pointed out three sub-committees including technical, Rule of Procedure and election. He also explained the way of elections and the conditions that must be met in the voters and candidates for members of the National Secretariat and Secretary General of the Polisario Front.

The technical committee declared that it divided the delegates into 17 ballot office according to their branches. The electoral and counting process will be run in the presence of observers, chairman of the Committee underlined.

In relevant context, the morning session marked by the presentation of the draft of national action programme, which will be discussed this afternoon.

SPS learned from the Congress presidency that the Congress will be postponed for 48 hours in accordance with the legal requirements. (SPS)
