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U.S. Congress requires the respect for human rights in Western Sahara for military assistance to Morocco

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Washington, Dec 20, 2011 (SPS) - The U.S. Congress passed Tuesday an act calling on the Department of State “to require the respect of human rights in Western Sahara as a precondition for any financial and military assistance appropriated for Morocco.”

This act, which was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, contains financial appropriations allocated for Foreign Military Financing Program for assistance for other countries for the year 2012.

The Act confirmed, in its chapter devoted to military funds for Morocco, that prior to allocating funds for the benefit of Morocco “the Secretary of State Ms. Hillary Clinton, shall submit a report to both Chambers of the Congress on the steps being taken by the Government of Morocco to respect the right of individuals to peacefully express their opinions regarding the status and future of the Western Sahara as to prepare a report on human rights violations of the Saharawis.”

The Congress also requires that Morocco “provide unimpeded access to human rights organizations, journalists, and representatives of foreign governments to the Western Sahara without harassment,” for the military and financial assistance given to Morocco.

Following the passing of this act, the Polisario Representative to Washington, Mr. Mouloud Said, expressed the Polisario “satisfaction to this position taken by the U.S. Congress, which recognizes the difficult situation suffered by the Saharawis in the occupied territories as well as to the policy of repression perpetuated by Morocco against those who want to free expression as to denounce the repression policy.”

He added in an interview with the Algerian Press Agency (APS) that the Frente Polisario “wants to thank the U.S. Congress on this position and hope that Morocco would allow the access of the international organizations and all who want to visit the Saharawi occupied territories without restrictions and obstructions.”

Polisario Representative indicated that this U.S. Act constitutes “a victory for the Saharawi people, especially when it coincides with the holding of the Thirteen Polisario Congress taking place in Tifariti, Saharawi liberated territories.” (SPS)
