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Willy Meyer calls on EU to bear its responsibilities towards Sahrawi people

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Tifariti (liberated territory) Dec 19, 2011 (SPS) - European Deputy from the Spanish United Left Party, Mr. Willy Meyer, called Sunday from the liberated Tifariti on the EU to bear all its responsibilities towards the decolonization of Western Sahara , renewing his party’s promise to continue working until the independence and the freedom of Western Sahara.

In a speech during the fourth day of the thirteen congress of the Frente Polisario , Mr Mayer stressed that the EU “should bear all its responsibilities and should play more positive role for the decolonization of Western Sahara.”

Concerning the fisheries agreement with Morocco which recently rejected by the EU Parliament, Mr. Meyer indicated that his Party struggled to prevent the EU from signing any agreement with Morocco which includes the territorial waters of Western Sahara without consulting the Sahrawi people.

In other hand, the European Deputy underlined that he exposed to harassment by Moroccan occupation forces during a visit to the occupied territory of Western Sahara, renewing his commitment to visit the occupied territories in order to reveal the Moroccan human rights violation against Sahrawi people.

Willy Meyer confirmed, in a press conference held Sunday in the liberated Tifariti, that the EU’s rejection to extend the fisheries pact with Morocco “is due to the pressure of the European civil societies, especially Spanish civil society,” highlighting that this “agreement is not beneficial, since it is illegal.”

He called attention of the European Parliament that the Moroccan diplomacy “trying to involve the EU in a new agreement that includes the Saharawi territories, which Morocco has no sovereignty over it according to the International Court of Justice’s verdict,” noting that Rabat practices the policy of extortion to pressurize its partners in the EU. (SPS)
