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Thirteeth Congress overwhelmingly ratifies the terms of Polisario Basic Law

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Tifariti (liberated territories), Dec 19, 2011 (SPS) - The Thirteenth Congress of the Frente Polisario ratified Monday morning with an overwhelming majority on terms of the Front’s Basic Law, after decide on the issues of dispute, according to a source the Congress presidency.

The congress adopted the choice of electing 50 members for the National Secretariat, including 4 women, 4 seats for the secretaries general of mass, 16 for the occupied territories. It elects among its members a committee for controlling and accounting, in addition the secretary general’s term has not identified.

The Congress to promote the Sahrawi Students Union (UESARIO) to be a mass organization, adopting the election for heads and secretaries of the municipalities, adopting the COTA system to elect women for political positions in the leadership of the Frente Polisario and identify a two-years term for the Sahrawi National Council as well as head and the secretaries of municipalities.

Committee of Basic Law and criticism of the experience started Sunday evening presenting its works in front of the congress participants in a general session, in the presence of important delegations from Algeria, Spain, Germany, and Uganda. (SPS)
