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Congress of Martyr Mahfud Ali Beiba: ratification of SADR Constitution

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Tifariti (liberated territories), Dec 19, 2011 (SPS) - The POLISARIO 13th Congress ratified Monday evening with an overwhelming majority the Constitution of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic, a source of the Congress presidency informed.

A set of amendments in the Republic Constitution have been approved by the delegates such as identifying the mandate of the National Council as well as heads and secretary of the Dairas with two years terms, Head of State becomes the president of the Supreme Judicial Council and have the right to appoint the Chairman of the Constitutional Council.

Works of Polisario Congress continue this afternoon by presenting and discussing work of the occupied territories committee, where members of the Saharawi human rights activists delegation spoke about the abuses committed by Moroccan occupation forces. (SPS)
