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Delegates of POLISARIO Congress adopt work of the occupied territories and Intifada committee

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Tifariti (liberated territories), Dec 19, 2011 (SPS) - Work of committee of the occupied territories and Intifada has been unanimously approved Monday evening by delegates of the Polisario 13th Congress, after interventions by members of the Saharawi activists delegation from the occupied territories of Western Sahara.

The speakers at the evening session focused on the ways to escalate the struggle in the occupied territories by supporting morally and financially the Intifada of Independence, activate the role of human rights associations and organizations, strengthen the unity between citizens and fix the culture of peaceful resistance.

They also called for activating the political organization, supporting the Intifada as well as give great care for Saharawi students at Moroccan Universities and Saharawi masses in south Morocco.

In an intervention, sister of the Martyr Said Dambar, Ms. Jamila Dambar, indicated that her family determined to continue the struggle until achieving all the legitimate demands to unveil the circumstances behind death of its son and take those responsible for the Court.

She underlined that the Martyr’s family has categorically refused to accept all bargains and pressure exerted by Moroccan occupation authorities on the family to bury the Martyr without investigating the circumstances of his assassination by a Moroccan policeman on Dec 22, 2010.

She added that her father, Sheikh Sid Ahmed Abdalwahab, announced before his death “Said will no longer be his son alone, but he became a son of the Saharawi people, Polisario Front and Saharawi state. So the family will not compromise in defence of his rights so Morocco not to continue killing and torturing the children of the Saharawi people.”

The session marked by interventions of members of the Saharawi delegation activists, which includes 54 delegates representing the occupied territories in the Polisario 13th Congress. (SPS)
