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Sahrawi diplomat meets Finnish Minister of Foreigner Affairs

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Helsinki , Nov, 28, 2011 (SPS)- The Polisario Front representative in Finland, Amaima Mahamud, called Monday on the government of Finland to intervene to support the protection of human rights in occupied Western Sahara, during a meeting with Finnish foreign affairs, Erkki Tuomioja, held  in Helsinki.


The Saharawi diplomat gave a detailed explanation on the latest developments of the Saharawi cause, highlighting the worrying and deteriorating human rights situation in the occupied territories.


Ms. Amaima Mahamud urged the government of Finland to intervene immediately to save lives of Saharawi political prisoners on hunger strike since Oct 31.


She called on international community to play a more active role in  protecting  Saharawi citizens particularly the inclusion of monitoring of the human rights situation in the mandate of MINURSO.


Finnish Minister underlined that as European countries are closely monitoring the situation of the Saharawi cause.
