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EU should protect human rights in occupied Western Sahara

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Strasbourg, Nov 30, 2011 (SPS) - A delegation of Sahrawi human rights defenders and  the European Movement of Solidarity with the Saharawi people have visited Tuesday, the European Parliament to request EU protecting  human rights in Western Sahara under Moroccan occupation, according to the Polisario representation to Europe.


The delegation is comprised of Minister delegate in charge of Europe, Mr. Mohamed Sidati, human rights defenders Hmmad Hmad, Brahim Sabbar, Soultana Khaya, Mohamed Mayara and member of the movement of solidarity with the Sahrawi people, Antonio Velazquez, (Western Sahara Foundation), the source indicated.


The delegation will hold talks with political groups, various commissions and MPs, as well as visiting delegations of France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, etc..


The purpose of the visit is to convey the message of the Saharawi people as well as to ask for a larger involvement of EU in protecting human rights in occupied Western Sahara, the source added.


The Saharawi delegation called for the release of Saharawi political prisoners on hunger strike since October 31 to protest against their conditions, demand their release or a fair trial.


It also urged the EU to put pressure on Morocco to unveil the fate on more than 651 Sahrawis disappeared since the invasion of Western Sahara by Morocco in 1975.


The delegation requested the EU support for the implementation of UN resolutions related to Western Sahara and the extension of the mandate of MINURSO to include monitoring and observing human rights in occupied Western Sahara as well as the implementation of self-determination for the Saharawi people.


It also called for the exclusion of the territorial waters of Western Sahara from EU- Morocco fisheries agreement.


The delegation received by Chair of Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb , Antonio Panzeri. (SPS)
