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Inclusion of Saharawi occupied territories within Moroccan parliamentary elections “has no legal basis” (Ould Salek

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Algiers, Nov 26, 2011 (SPS) - The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mohamed Salem Ould Salek, considered that the inclusion of the Saharawi occupied territories with the rest of Moroccan territories in the framework of the parliamentary elections “has no legal basis.”

Speaking as a guest on the program “Dayf Eddahira” in Algeria’s International Radio, Mr. Ould Salek said that “any political or socio-economic action in the territories of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic occupied by Morocco has no legal basis,” recalling that the Saharawi president had sent a message to the United Nations asking them to “fully assume their responsibility vis-à-vis that Morocco commits as part of its electoral process.”

He underlined that such an attitude “reflects the persistence of Morocco and its defiance of international law and legality,” holding the Security Council and its mission, MINURSO, responsible for this serious violation that proves once again the absence of any commitment of Morocco to achieve a political solution to the Saharawi cause.”

In this context, the Saharawi Minister said that the Moroccan positions and practices against the Saharawi people “do not change the nature of the conflict nor the problem in eyes of the UN,” confirming that “voters in the occupied territories are not Saharawi, but rather are Moroccans.”

“Saharawis refuse to participate in these elections which are fraud even inside of Morocco,” said the heads of the Saharawi diplomacy, adding it work lucks legitimacy and therefore is invalid and its results are invalid as long as the UN and the international community do not recognize the sovereignty of Morocco over Western Sahara,” he added.

In regard to the issue of human rights, Mr. Ould Salek said that Western Sahara condemns double standards dealing of the United Nations, mentioning as an example France, which opposes the Security Council to provide MINURSO with the powers to imposition and respect for human rights.

With regard to natural resources file, he said that several countries and European parliamentarians “have filed cases with the European Union (EU) to express their rejection of the continued exploitation and plunder the wealth of the Saharawi people”

“Morocco gains more than $ 7 million a year,” said the Saharawi Minister, indicating that Fishing Commission of the European Union said, in its debate since two days ago, that it will provide a project to the Union don not include territorial waters of Western Sahara. (SPS)
