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President of Republic consoles Family of Danielle Mitterrand

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Bir Lahlu (Liberated territories), November 24, 2011 (SPS)- President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz has sent on Wednesday a letter of condolences to the family of Mrs. Danielle Mitterrand, President of France-Libertés Foundation, died Tuesday at age of 87 years in Paris.


“In this painful event, on behalf of SADR people and Government, and on my own behalf, I express to you and members of the foundation my sincere condolences ” President of Republic wrote to Mitterrand’s family.


President Mohamed Abdelaziz paid tribute to Mrs. Danielle Mitterrand "who dedicated her life to defend just causes", asserting the Saharawi people’s gratitude for her firm position in supporting the inalienable right of the Sharawis to freedom and independence as well as exposing gross human rights violations in occupied Western Sahara.
