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President of Republic congratulates Mr. Mariano Rajoy on victory in the Spanish general elections

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Bir Lehlou (liberated territories), Nov 21, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, congratulated Mr. Mariano Rajoy on the victory of his party in the Spanish general elections held Sunday.

In a telegram addressed to Mr. Rajoy, the President of the Republic affirmed that this brilliant victory achieved by the Popular Party “reflects the trust placed by the voters in his government programme for the future of Spain.”

He also underlined that the Saharawi people “has followed, with a great interest justified, this elections these elections taking place in a very sensitive context believing that Spain, when it strengthens its domestic and external dimensions, will be in a position enable it, taking into account its historical responsibility and the requirements of international legitimacy, to play a key role in achieving a just and lasting solution to the conflict of Western Sahara.”

The President Mohamed Abdelaziz finally stressed on the serious partnership and willingness of the political leadership of the Saharawi people to work for the performance of this role.

It should be recalled that Spain's right-wing, Popular Party (PP), won a resounding victory in the Spanish general elections organized Sunday taking 44 percent of the vote. Mr. Mariano Rajoy, PP leader, will become next Prime Minister of Spain. (SPS)
