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Preparatory political conferences study the ground of work presenting to the Polisario 13th Congress

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Shaheed Al Hafed (refugee camps), Nov 20, 2011 (SPS) - The deliberations of the preparatory political conferences for the Polisario 13th Congress continue for the second day in the wilayas and institutions of the Saharawi Republic.

The process has also launched in the sixth military region with the examination and evaluation of the working documents submitted by the Preparatory Committee.

According to member of the Shaheed Al Hafed Committee, the participants examined the ethod of election, enacting laws to protect the citizen, establishing an institute for the strategic studies, the need to rely on counselors in the political, legal, social and other issues, role of the National Secretariat as a political leadership to direct the political and mobilizing action along with its responsibilities on the control and accountability, because it is the guide and reference in making critical decisions on the struggle of the Saharawi people.

On the diplomatic, media and cultural areas, the participants honestly and transparently stopped at the weak spots recorded between the two congresses, criticized the experience and discussed on ways to renew the discourse in line with the developments taking place in the world.

During evening sessions which allocated for the committees of the programme of national action and Intifada, the debate focused on the necessity to develop the Saharawi educational curriculum, role of traditional industry in maintaining the Saharawi cultural heritage, increasing the Intifada in the occupied territories, south of Morocco and universities as to make Gdeim Izik heroic a historic station in the Saharawi people’s struggle.

They also examined the progamme of national action, presenting questions and proposals in order to be included in the programme submitting to the Congress.

The conference will be concluded Monday in all wilayas and institutions of SADR as well as Shaheed Al Hafed. It has been concluded in the Diaspora and national rural. Whereas it will continue in the military regions of the Saharawi People’s Liberation Army.

The 13th Polisario Congress will be held from December 15 to 19 in the liberated town of Tifariti under the motto: “independent Saharawi state, is the solution” bearing the name of the deceased leader and martyr, Mahfoud Ali Beiba, according to agenda of the organizing committee. (SPS)
