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President of Republic calls on peoples of Europe to contribute in protecting Saharawis in occupied territories

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Stockholm, November 17, 2011 (SPS)- President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front , Mohamed Abdelaziz called on European nations to contribute in protecting the Sahrawi people in the occupied territories.


In a speech to the Swedish Parliament during a workshop entitled "With the Saharawi president" jointly organized by the Adolf Palm Institute, Emmaus Foundation and the Swedish organization Kristina Peace, President Mohamed Abdelaziz expressed confidence that "Sweden and all the peoples of Europe could not be accomplice with injustice, occupation and denial of the rights of peoples. "


"We look for courageous and strong commitment to protecting our citizens against the repression of the Moroccan government in the occupied territories of Western Sahara , put an end to the plundering of our natural resources, recognize the SADR and Polisario Front as the sole legitimate representative of the Saharawi people, " the President underlined.


"It is not coincidence that this kind of event is organized by Sweden, the well known for its positions in favor the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and faces the systematic looting of its natural resources " he added.

The President recalled the tragedy experienced by the Saharawi people from Moroccan occupation, pointing out to the role of France in supporting the Moroccan policy of extension at the expense of its neighbors.


President Abdelaziz regretted that the French Government, as an EU State, member of Security Council has prevented the inclusion of human rights in the mandate of the UN Mission for the referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), despite evidences provided by international organizations, including the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, about the violations committed by the Moroccan authorities of occupation against the Saharawi innocent civilians. "

Head of State emphasized that the Moroccan government "with the support and complicity of international parties” undermines efforts towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict.


Mr. Abdelaziz drew the attention to the Moroccan 'wall of shame “extends over 2700 km (thousands of soldiers and millions of landmines) and divides the Sahrawi families.


He also reaffirmed  the determination of the Polisario Front and the Sahrawi government to strengthen its unique experience in the region, build  a modern society based on justice, democracy, equality and coexistence between religions, cultures and civilizations, despite the cruel conditions  living by  Saharawi people under the Moroccan occupation and difficulties resulting from the lack of humanitarian aid as well as the terrorist threat following  the abduction of European cooperators in the Saharawi refugee camps. (SPS)
