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WFDY expresses support to Saharawi people struggle

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Lisbon, Nov 15, 2011 (SPS)- The World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) adopted a motion during its 18th General Assembly held in Lisbon (Portugal) November 08-12, expressing support to  the struggle of the Saharawi people to self determination and independence.


A delegation representing the Youth Union of  Saguia El Hamra and Rio de Oro (UJSARIO) took part in the session along with 165 delegates from 86 organizations.


The motion condemned the gross human rights violations perpetrated by the Moroccan regime in the occupied territories of Western Sahara as well as the plundering of Saharawi natural resources.


It called for the dismantling of the Moroccan wall of shame which divides the Saharawi families.


The WFDY decided to freeze the membership of the Moroccan Youth of the “Istiglal" party because of its continued violations of the values ​​and founding principles of the organization, including the repeated aggressions against the Saharawi delegation and other nationalities participating in the events of WFDY. (SPS)
