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Saharawi Coordinator with MINURSO concludes a working visit to Austria

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Vienna, Nov 14, 2011 (SPS) - The Saharawi Coordinator with the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), Mr. M'hamed Khadad, concluded Saturday a two-day working visit to Austria, where he took part in a conference organized by the Austrian organization Volkshilfe, which has strong and close ties with the Saharawi people, informed a statement of the Polisario Front Office in Vienna.

The conference was also attended by Chancellor of Austria, Mr. Werner Faynman, Minister of Social Affairs and secretary general of the Socialist Party.

In his speech during the conference, Mr. Khadad expressed thank and appreciation of the Polisario Front to the invitation and to the political support and humanitarian solidarity throughout Austria over 35 years.

He urged the attendees to the need for expressing solidarity and support with the Saharawi people, recalling that the solution of the Western Sahara conflict “should pass through a democratic path, which is self-determination of the Saharawis.”

The Saharawi official accompanied by the Polisario Representative in Vienna, Ms. Najet Handi Den, held a number of meetings with sympathizers of the Saharawi cause, representatives of politics and economy in Austria. (SPS)
