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Italian NGO condemns abduction of three European aid workers in Sahrawi refugee camps

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Rome, October 26, 2011 (SPS) - The Italian National Association of Solidarity with the Saharawi people (ANSP) condemned vigorously the kidnapping of three European aid workers in the Sahrawi refugee camps, in a statement released Monday in Rome.


 In the night from Saturday to Sunday, Rossella Urru from Italy, member of the Italian NGO CCISPP, Fernandez Coin Aino of Spanish nationality, member of the Association of Friendship with the Saharawi people in Extremadura (Spain), Enrico Gonyalons, a Spanish citizen and member of the Spanish NGO Mundubat, were abducted by an armed group.


 In this regard, the ANSP expressed its "sympathy" with Rossella Urru, her two companions and their families.


The NGO also said that it has "close relations" with cooperating associations, especially the CIPS, which has a "long and successful experience" in cooperation in the Sahrawi refugee camps and raising "awareness" on the Saharawi question in Italy.


"We know the intelligence determination and competency of Rossella Urru and we hope that these qualities will serve her in these difficult times," the same source added.


In addition, the association indicated it relied on "the capacity of Sahrawi and Algerian authorities, in collaboration with neighboring countries, to identify the perpetrators of this heinous act and resolve as quickly as possible this crisis."


 The NGO called for "immediate release" of the hostages, asserting it cannot "ignore the reasons for their presence in the region, which represent the foundations of the ANSP," and calling on all the Italian and European movement of solidarity with the Saharawi people "not to give in to blackmail of a terrorist organization whose one of goals is to prevent this solidarity."


In this context, it called "not to deprive the Saharawi people of the help and support they need."


 The Association which reminded that it is "the first attack against the international cooperation in the refugee camps, for 36 years of exile of the refugees in Algeria, asserted that" the procedure used in the attack confirm that the perpetrators are related to the terrorist organization of Al Qaeda, which it believes contradicts the propaganda of Morocco, which has repeatedly attempted to make an amalgam between the organization and the Polisario Front. "


The kidnappers attacked the headquarters of NGOs and abducted the three European nationals, using 4-wheel vehicle and firearms. One of the hostages, Spaniard Enric Gonyalons would be injured, as well as one of the Sahrawi guards, Omar Mohamed Ahmed, it should be recalled. (SPS)

