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Sahrawi women condemn abduction of international aid workers in Sahrawi refugee camps

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Shaheed El Hafed (Refugee Camps), October 25, 2011 (SPS) - The National Union of Sahrawi Women condemned the abduction of the three international aid workers in the Sahrawi refugee camps,   Mr. Fernandez Coin Aino of Spanish nationality, member of the Association of Friendship with the Saharawi people in Extremadura (Spain), Enrico Gonyalons, a Spanish citizen and member of the Spanish NGO Mundubat and Rossella Urru from Italy, member of the Italian NGO CCISPP, in a statement Monday.


The Union expressed their support and solidarity with the abducted friends of the Sahrawi people and their families, calling on all international organizations and international women's movement to condemn this act.


It also expressed hope that the aid for the Saharawi people won’t be affected as a result of this cowardly criminal act that occurs for the first time in the Saharawi refugee camps, the statement added. (SPS)

