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President of Republic receives human rights activists from the Saharawi occupied territories

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Shaheed Al Hafed (Saharawi refugee camps), Oct 24, 2011 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz, received Sunday at headquarters of SADR Presidency a delegation of human rights activists from the occupied territories of Western Sahara, which concluded a 10-days visit to the Saharawi refugee camps and liberated territories.

“We welcome this important delegation that represents a mosaic of the Intifada militants, which made everlasting and irreversible gap between the Saharawis and administration of the Moroccan occupation,” said Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz in a ceremony attended by leaders of the Polisario Front and Saharawi government.

The delegation, which includes 40 members representing the Saharawi civil society in the occupied Western Sahara, had arrived to the Saharawi refugee camps in coincidence with the celebration commemorating the 36th anniversary of the National Unity Declaration on October 12. (SPS)
